Fika: Made in Sweden — a Family Affair at Stjärnjul's Concerts

My book, Fika: Made in Sweden, was privileged to be a part of Stjärnjul’s concerts and Christmas market, 16-18 December, 2022.

With two choirs and several guest artists, Stjärnjul has been an annual event since 1993. I was grateful for the opportunity to showcase the book and promote fika at such an illustrious event.

Unable to show up in person, I was fortunate to be able to enlist the help of my son Kasper Almroth and his two daughters, Elsa and Lea. They did a formidable job of setting up and manning the table. The newly produced roll-up — my first — helped attract visitors to the fika book table, observed Elsa.

Stina Almroth