Fika at the Turkish Embassy


New Ambassadors’ Spouses gathered at the elegant Turkish Embassy Residence on 21 October, 2021, for a welcoming tea, hosted by Figen Yunt, president of the Ambassador Spouses’ Association (ASA) and wife of the Turkish Ambassador. I was honored to be invited to speak on fika to a dream audience -- newcomers to Sweden, sincerely interested in Swedish Culture.

The spouses, working at least as hard as the ambassadors themselves to represent their respective countries, often end being involved in areas that represent the soft values. Having joined forces as an association, they have opportunities to experience and getting introduced to Sweden in multiple ways. In addition, by meeting weekly they surely contribute to cross-cultural understanding. 

Particularly special for me was to be introduced by Dr Sophie Ekman Wretlind as we discovered that her father, Professor Arvid Wretlind, was my professor when I studied nutrition at Karolinska Institutet many decades ago.

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